Deal damage with Primal weapons
Week 4 Legendary This quest requires you to deal damage with primal weapons. You have a choice of the primal bow, primal pistol, primal shotgun, primal SMG and the primal rifle.
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Week 4 Legendary This quest requires you to deal damage with primal weapons. You have a choice of the primal bow, primal pistol, primal shotgun, primal SMG and the primal rifle.
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Week 4 Epic This quest should not be too difficult. Rare weapons are quite good so eliminations can come without much difficulty. This quest includes all weapons of any class.
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Week 4 Epic This quest requires you to revive a downed teammate. So you need to be in a doubles, triples or squads game mode with at least one other player.
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Week 4 Epic If you have played even one game of Fortnite you should have come across at least one chest. They make a delightful hum when you are close and an icon appears on screen if you have visual sound effects turned on.
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Week 4 Epic This quest is a little ambiguous but structures basic mean buildings. Bring out the inner arsonist in you and light a fire! You can use several tools to set a building on fire.
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Week 4 Epic The first step here is to get either some shockwave grenades or a shockwave bow. Shockwave grenades can be found as floor loot or obtained from chests, supply drops or llamas.
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Week 4 Epic The easiest way to tame wildlife requires you to have a hunter cloak. Otherwise you will be attacked. Crafting a hunters cloak will require a piece of meat and two animal bones.
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